6 Farm Fresh Eggs - Assorted Colors
Our chickens roam keeping them healthy and happy.
What you need to know.
Eggs from the farm 'non-graded' meaning that they are not sorted by size, weight, shape or colour at a certified grading station. Because they are 'non-graded', we can only sell our eggs direct from the farm.
We do not sort our eggs by colours and that is simply because some customers have that preference. However, a carton of eggs could vary from small to extra-large and you may even get a double yolk in the mix.
Once eggs are collected, cleaned and dried, they are packaged into egg cartons and labelled with the date they were collected. Eggs here at the beeyard are stored in the refrigerator until they are purchased from the farm.
It is recommended that you store your eggs in your refrigerator as they will last longer this way. Eggs are good for one month after the date of collection (date of lay) on the carton when stored this way.