Bee Yard Bee Well 2025 CSA
In 2025, the bee yard continues to grow and change as we step into various collaborations with friends. Our newest partnership with Gumboots Family Farm, who has generously joined up with us to bring you the Bee Yard Bee Well CSA, is golden. Each share - starting mid- June through early October (9 total) will have a summer salad theme using fresh produce,herbs, and honey. Recipes will be shared, farm visits offered, and sunshine enjoyed by all! Don't miss out.
And of course, if you don’t like the summer salad recipe for any one delivery date you can use the produce as you see best for your family.
Add-ons, like eggs (as the chickens permit), cheese (in most), honey (late season), bread, and mushrooms as we can- are included in your cost! This year we will add chicken and pork as options, too!
There will be enough fresh produce in each delivery or pick-up for 2-3 people. We average a paper grocery bag’s (about 10-12 lbs) worth of produce each delivery . That said, the first deliveries may come with lots of light weight leafy greens & other goods, while in later ones you can expect heavier items, like winter squash, tomatoes, and root crops. We give out about 7 – 10 different items in a share. Chicken (whole) and pork (cut TBD) will be delivered once in the season.
Throughough the season you will receive items to make potato salad with honey mustard vinaigrette| Roasted corn salad with hot pepper honey and jalapeños | Fresh green salad with all the fixings and tomato honey dressing amongs others. Deliveries may include herbs, fresh flowers (some edible), and items that might not be part of the salad like cheese and mushrooms. All mushrooms must be cooked before eating.
Pottery, tinctures, and other locally sourced farm goods.
The CSA is alternating weeks beginning mid-June and lasting through October. Dates will be emailed after the May15th order deadline closes.
Picks ups will be alternating Sunday afternoons starting June 11th, between 2-3pm in Erie or Harborcreek.Delivery within Erie County is available for an extra $20 for the season. Of course, Mother Nature plays a part in all of this. The CSA is non-refundable.
If you would like to pay in installments, please return to the market and click on that option.